West Coast Fossils: A Guide to the Ancient Life of Vancouver Island West Coast Fossils: A Guide to the Ancient Life of Vancouver Island
Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History
Copyright © 2001-2008 Ed DeRouin All Rights Reserved
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IdentifyFossils Canada Links

Here are some links that may be useful to you. Most are paleontology-related, but a few are on other subjects I enjoy. These are listed separately, for your convenience. To Add a link click here.

Fossil/Paleontology Related Sites

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Burgess Shale fossils Photographs and discusssion of Walcott Quarry and its fossils.

Miller Museum Online Exhibit Using exclusively Canadian rocks and fossils, this exhibit highlights almost three billion years of early evolution when only simple, soft-bodied creatures inhabited the Earth.

Thompson-Nicola Paleontology Society Membership info, Member Scrapbook, Books on B.C. fossils. Their main goal is to have fun. You gotta love that!

Vancouver Paleontology Society Promotes public awareness of our fossil heritage, safe and responsible fossil collecting. Provides educational information about ancient life through field trips, presentations and displays. Bring together amateurs and professionals who share a common interest in fossils.

Fossils in Newfoundland and Labrador The Geographical Society of Newfoundland and Labrador provides resources on fossils and the geology of the region.

Fossils of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Museum web site containing information about the palaeontological history of the province. Featured in the site are biographies of fossil finders, information on collecting fossils, a specimen gallery, geological background, and in depth descriptions of our most famous fossil sites.