Earth Treasures: The Southeastern Quadrant : Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carlolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia Earth Treasures: The Southeastern Quadrant : Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carlolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia
Copyright © 2001 Ed DeRouin All Rights Reserved
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IdentifyFossils Virginia Links

Here are some links that may be useful to you. Most are paleontology-related, but a few are on other subjects I enjoy. These are listed separately, for your convenience. To Add a link click here.

Fossil/Paleontology Related Sites

For links by state/country click on one of the following: AL  AZ  CA  CO  DE  FL  GA  HI  IA  ID  IL  IN  KS  KY  LA  MD  NC  ND  NE  NJ  NM  NV  NY  OH  OK  PA  SC  SD  TX  UT  VA  VT  WA  WI  WV  Argentina  Belgium  Canada  Morocco  Netherlands  Peru  Portugal  United Kingdom

The Geology of Virginia Information and photographs of fossils arranged by Virginia geological region.

FossilGuy A resource for fossil collectors in and around the mid-Atlantic region. Includes virtual tours of fossil sites, and fossil identification.

Other Interesting Sites

The finest Bass Fishing site on the web. I should know; I wrote it! Take a break from cleaning fossils and do some bass fishing!